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I see you, I know you, I am you, and I believe you. 

If you are in immediate danger, please call 9-1-1 if you feel safe doing so.

Below you will find a list of helpful resources if you are a victim of crime and need help. I am not an advocate, but have found all of these sources to be helpful and supportive. 

Not Sure of the Support you Need? 

Abuse in your family or with a partner?

In a violent relationship? 

Were you sexually assaulted?

Is someone stalking you?

  • Call the Safe Horizon: 1-866-689-HELP

  • Information & Resources: SPARC (they do NOT provide direct services)

Are you a survivor of incest?

​Are you in the military and need HELP?

Are you being forced to do anything you do not want to do? Have you been threatened if you try to leave? Have you witnessed young girls being prostituted?

Are you a male survivor?

LGBTQIA Victim Information:

Are you considering Suicide?

Interested in FREE legal help?

Need Victim Service Notification? 

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